Curriculum Vitae


2017. Ph.D., Biology, Louisiana State University

2009. M.S., Biology, The University of Alabama

2005. B.S.Ed., Elementary Education, The University of Alabama

Professional Appointments

2024 - present
Computational Biologist Assistant
Department of Neurobiology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham. Birmingham, AL.

2023 - 2024
Scientist I
Department of Neurobiology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham. Birmingham, AL.

2022 - 2023
Assistant Teaching Professor
Biology Program, University of Southern Mississippi. Hattiesburg, MS.

2017 - 2022
Assistant Professor
Biology Program, University of Louisiana Monroe. Monroe, LA.

2009 - 2011
Junior Research Specialist
Department of Evolution and Ecology, University of California - Davis. Davis, CA.


Newman CE, Austin CC (In Press) Clarification of cryptic species of Plethodon in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, USA. Herpetological Review.

Wright AM, Schwartz RS, Oaks JR, Newman CE, Flanagan SP. (2019). The why, when, and how of computing in biology classrooms. F1000Research, 8, DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.20873.1. Open Access

Newman CE, Austin CC (2019) Quantifying amphibian range fragmentation in the southeastern United States. Frontiers of Biogeography, 11, 1-9. DOI: 10.21425/F5FBG37772. Open Access

Newman CE (2017) Survival of salamanders in a severe flood event in Louisiana. Southeastern Naturalist, 16, N19-N23. Download PDF

Newman CE, Gregory TR, Austin CC (2017) The dynamic evolutionary history of genome size in North American woodland salamanders. Genome, 60, 285-292. Download PDF

Krysko KL, Nuñez LP, Newman CE, Bowen BW (2017) Phylogenetics of kingsnakes, Lampropeltis getula complex (Serpentes: Colubridae), in Eastern North America. Journal of Heredity, 108, 226-238. Download PDF

Newman CE, Austin CC (2016) Sequence capture and next-generation sequencing of ultraconserved elements in a large-genome salamander. Molecular Ecology, 25, 6162-6174. Download PDF

Newman CE, Austin CC (2015) Thriving in the cold: glacial expansion and post-glacial contraction of a temperate terrestrial salamander (Plethodon serratus). PLOS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130131. Open Access

Feinberg JA, Newman CE, Watkins-Colwell GJ, Schlesinger MD, Zarate B, Curry BR, Shaffer HB, Burger J (2014) Cryptic diversity in Metropolis: confirmation of a new leopard frog species (Anura: Ranidae) from New York City and surrounding Atlantic Coast regions. PLOS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108213. Open Access

Carstens BC, Brennan RS, Chua V, Duffie CV, Harvey MG, Koch RA, McMahan CD, Nelson BJ, Newman CE, Satler JD, Seeholzer G, Posbic K, Tank DC, Sullivan J (2013) Model selection as a tool for phylogeographic inference: an example from the willow Salix melanopsis. Molecular Ecology, 22, 4014-4028. Download PDF

Spinks PQ, Thomson RC, Pauly GB, Newman CE, Mount G, Shaffer HB (2013) Misleading phylogenetic inferences based on single-exemplar sampling in the turtle genus Pseudemys. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution, 68, 269-281. Download PDF

Newman CE, Feinberg JA, Rissler LJ, Burger J, Shaffer HB (2012) A new species of leopard frog (Anura: Ranidae) from the urban northeastern US. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution, 63, 445-455. Download PDF

Newman CE, and LJ Rissler (2011) Phylogeographic analyses of the southern leopard frog: the impact of geography and climate on the distribution of genetic lineages vs. subspecies. Molecular Ecology, 20 (24), 5295-5312. Download PDF

Spinks PQ, Thomson RC, Barley AJ, Newman CE, Shaffer HB (2010) Testing avian, squamate, and mammalian nuclear markers for cross amplification in turtles. Conservation Genetics Resources, DOI: 10.1007/s12686-010-98184-7. Download PDF

Publications in Review

Brida KL, Jorgensen ET, Phillips RA, Newman CE, Tuscher JT, Morring EK, Zipperly ME, Ianov L, Montgomery KD, Tippani M, Hyde TM, Maynard KR, Martinowich K, Day JJ (Submitted) Reelin marks cocaine-activated striatal ensembles, promotes neuronal excitability, and regulates cocaine reward. Neuron. Preprint

Invited Seminars

2022. Newman CE. Coastal Plain salamanders: ecology, population genetics, and the impact of citizen science. Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA.

2021. Hersey L, Foy B, Newman CE. From silos to sandboxes: how to enhance cross-disciplinary partnerships. For Our Future Conference. University of Louisiana System, online.

2016. Newman CE. Phylogeography of the salamander Plethodon serratus across four isolated regions of the southeastern US. Emporia State University, Emporia, KS.

Invited Symposia

2019. Newman CE. Teaching computational biology at a regional university using local installs. iEvoBio Conference. Providence, RI.

Conference Presentations

1 Undergraduate mentee presenter
2 Graduate mentee presenter

2024. Mercer M 1, Newman CE, Day JJ. RNA-seq analysis by nf-core and DESeq2 to detect differentially expressed genes in KCl-activated neurons. UAB Summer Expo. Birmingham, AL. Poster

2024. Mercer M 1, Newman CE, Day JJ. RNA-sequencing analysis by nf-core pipeline and DESeq2 to identify differentially expressed genes in KCl-activated neurons from various neuronal tissue types. UAB Spring Expo. Birmingham, AL. Poster

2019. Kirkikis BG 2, Newman CE. Population genetics of salamanders in a geographically isolated highland in northwest Louisiana. Louisiana Herpetology Conference. LUMCON, Chauvin, LA.

2019. Newman CE. Phylogenetics of Coastal Plain Plethodon Salamanders. Evolution. Providence, RI. Poster

2017. Newman CE, Austin CC. Dynamic evolutionary history of genome size in North American woodland salamanders. Society of Systematic Biologists Meeting. Baton Rouge, LA.

2016. Newman CE. Phylogeography of Plethodon serratus (Plus: survivor salamanders). Louisiana Herpetology Conference. LUMCON, Chauvin, LA.

2016. Newman CE, Austin CC. Sequence capture of UCEs for intraspecific phylogenetics and species delimitation of a large-genome salamander, Plethodon serratus. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. New Orleans, LA.

2016. Newman CE, Austin CC. Sequence capture of UCEs for intraspecific phylogenetics and species delimitation of a large-genome salamander. Evolution. Austin, TX.

2014. Newman CE, Austin CC. Phylogeography & conservation of the salamander Plethodon serratus across four isolated regions of the southeastern US. Evolution. Raleigh, NC.

2013. Newman CE, Austin CC. Phylogeography of Plethodon serratus across four isolated regions of the southeastern US. Louisiana Herpetology Conference. LUMCON, Chauvin, LA.

2013. Newman CE, Austin CC. Phylogeography & conservation of the salamander Plethodon serratus across four isolated regions of the southeastern US. Evolution. Snowbird, UT.

2012. Newman CE. A new species of leopard frog (Anura: Ranidae) from the urban northeastern US. First Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

2009. Newman CE, Rissler LJ. Uncovering cryptic diversity: an integrative approach to reconstructing the evolutionary history of Rana sphenocephala. Evolution. Moscow, ID.

2009. Newman CE, Rissler LJ. Integrating genetics, ecological niche modeling, and morphology to reconstruct the evolutionary history of Rana sphenocephala. Association of Southeastern Biologists. Birmingham, AL.

2008. Newman CE, Rissler LJ. An integrative approach to resolving taxonomic controversy and reconstructing the evolutionary history of Rana sphenocephala. The Systematics Association: Young Systematists’ Forum. London, England, UK. Poster

2008. Newman CE, Rissler LJ. Phylogeography and systematics of the southern leopard frog (Rana sphenocephala). Ecological Society of America. Milwaukee, WI. Poster

2008. Newman CE, Rissler LJ. Phylogeography and systematics of the southern leopard frog (Rana sphenocephala). The Herpetology Conference. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.


Awards & Honors

Additional Experience & Training


2022 - 2023
University of Southern Mississippi. Instructor of record. Undergraduate courses; face-to-face. See Teaching (page) for details.

2017 - 2022
University of Louisiana Monroe. Instructor of record. Undergraduate and graduate courses; face-to-face, hybrid, and online. See Teaching (page) for details.

2011 - 2013
Louisiana State University. Graduate Teaching Assistant
Introductory Biology for Majors (lab), Genetics (problem solving discussion), Herpetology (lab)

2007 - 2009
The University of Alabama. Graduate Teaching Assistant
Human Anatomy & Physiology (lab)

Arcadia Elementary School. Teacher, Fifth Grade. Tuscaloosa, AL

Professional Development in Teaching

Pedagogy Scholarship

Ongoing Project

Assessing UnEssay Creative Projects. ULM, collaboration with Lorelai Patrick (Fort Hays State University) and Jamie Wood (Duke University). Approved by IRB at all institutions.


Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Honors Committees

Postbaccalaureate Scholars

Graduate Committees

University Service

Departmental & University Service

University of Alabama at Birmingham

University of Southern Mississippi

University of Louisiana Monroe

Faculty & Student Recruitment at ULM

Outreach & Education

University of Louisiana Monroe

LSU Museum of Natural Science

The University of Alabama

Service to Community

Service to Profession

Grant Proposal Reviewer

Journal Manuscripts, Peer Reviewer

Professional Societies